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Precision Medicine and AI With Blockchain

Precision medicine has emerged as a promising approach to providing personalised treatments for patients based on their genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. However, this approach requires vast amounts of data to be collected, analysed, and securely shared among healthcare providers and researchers. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology offer potential solutions to these challenges by enabling data-driven and secure decision-making. According to a recent report by, the global precision medicine market is projected to reach $254 billion by 2032, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.1% from 2023 to 2032. 

This article will explore how AI and blockchain are transforming precision medicine and improving patient outcomes.

What Is Precision Medicine?

Precision medicine, or personalised medicine, is a healthcare approach that tailors medical treatments to individual patients based on their genetic information, environmental factors, lifestyle, and other personal characteristics. Unlike the traditional ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, precision medicine aims to provide targeted and effective treatments that can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

To achieve this, precision medicine requires vast amounts of data to be collected, analysed, and shared securely among healthcare providers and researchers. This is where AI and blockchain technology comes in. AI can analyse large datasets and identify patterns and correlations that human analysts may miss. At the same time, blockchain technology can provide a secure and transparent platform for sharing and accessing data.

AI can also help drug discovery by analysing large genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data datasets to identify new drug targets and develop personalised treatments. For example, AI algorithms can analyse patients’ genomic data and predict their likelihood of responding to a particular drug or developing adverse effects.

What Is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that enables secure, transparent, and tamper-proof record-keeping of transactions and data. It uses cryptographic techniques to create an unalterable chain of blocks that contains a record of all transactions and data entered into the system. The chain is maintained by a network of nodes, each of which has a copy of the ledger, and any changes to the ledger must be validated and approved by the network.

Blockchain technology supports precision medicine in several ways.

Firstly, blockchain provides a secure and tamper-proof platform for storing and sharing patient data. In a traditional healthcare system, patient data is stored in a centralised database vulnerable to data breaches and hacking attacks. In contrast, blockchain technology uses a decentralised system, making it difficult for hackers to breach the system and steal sensitive patient information.

Furthermore, blockchain technology ensures the privacy and confidentiality of patient data by using cryptographic techniques to encrypt patient data. Patient data is stored in blocks linked together using cryptographic hashes, creating an unalterable and transparent ledger of patient data. Authorised parties can only access this ledger with the necessary permissions, and any changes made to the ledger are recorded and visible to all authorised parties.

Blockchain technology can also support clinical trials and drug discovery by providing a secure and transparent platform for sharing data among researchers and healthcare providers. Clinical trials often involve collecting large amounts of sensitive patient data, which researchers must share securely to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality. Blockchain technology can provide a secure and transparent platform for sharing data among researchers while ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of patient data.

Read the full article here.